Pumice is an extrusive igneous rock formed by the rapid cooling and hardening of lava in explosive volcanic eruptions. The volatile gases, certain components and high water content within the lava are released suddenly due to the quick cooling, creating countless independent pores and giving pumice its sponge like porous texture. It has a very low density compared to a rock stone and can even float on water till all its pores are filled. Being lightweight, it is widely used for lightweight concrete and block production in the construction sector. Pumice has a light gray-white color due to the silica content it has in its structure; the higher the silica, the whiter and more abrasive the stone will be. Many sectors benefit from the soft & natural abrasivity of pumice in their production processes. Dental, cosmetics and textiles stonewash sectors are examples to name a few. Due to high water holding capacity and being nontoxic and free of heavy metals, pumice is also used in the horticulture & landscaping sectors. Around 45 % of the world pumice reserves are found in Turkey and the major pumice producers are Turkey, Greece, USA and Italy. Besides all this industrial use you can use pumice safely in your homes& gardens to grow beautiful flowers or on your body for cosmetics purposes as a soft & natural touch from earth.